Care for skin after 30 years: tips beautician

Aging is determined by genetic factors, arguing that it is useless. However, contrary to popular belief, active ageing caused by genes and natural factors, starts not at thirty, and even forty years. At this age your skin is capable of many things, the main thing is to know how to help her.

face care after 30

What happens to the skin

After thirty years, our body slows down the metabolic processes. This happens at different levels, including in the skin. In its structure there are numerous changes.

  • The decreased synthesis of epidermal lipids, which with age, the epidermis becomes more dry.
  • Deterioration of the microcirculation in the tissues. Reduced enrichment of the skin with nutrients from within.
  • Photoaging. Response to exposure to the sun triggers the development of wrinkles, the formation of age spots;
  • Thinning of adipose tissue, supporting the usual form of the face. For this reason, the skin begins to "SAG".
  • Thickening of the epidermis. The cells of the Horny layer are laminated to each other, their self-peeling impossible. Because of this, a person acquires an earthy hue, skin rough, looks untidy.

Despite these processes, talk about the approach of old age yet. "The skin — the body hormone, says beautician Olga FEM. In thirty years the body produces sufficient amount of hormones, so to panic at the sight of the wrinkles prematurely."

Potential problems

Beauticians do not like to give correspondence advice on the care of the skin after thirty years. So the beautician Natalia Nikolaeva, author of "Beauty without surgery: 10 markers of youth", advised to visit a specialist at least 1-2 times a year.

This should be done because the "behavior" of the skin at this age is very individual. And only with the direct examination, the specialist can give recommendations what should be a face care after 30 years in the home.

What is the details of the choice of methods? There are several reasons.

  • The usual care. Some women have used to properly care for themselves, beginning in adolescence. Their skin will usually look fine, and any major adjustments in care is not required. Someone starts to panic, finding the first wrinkles, and almost for the first time includes daily care moisturizer, a mask. The results of the work will certainly be visible and in the second case. But to maintain the youthfulness of skin regularly is much more effective and easier than trying to get her back.
  • The skin type. The owners of dry skin, the epidermis becomes drier, which leads to the formation of wrinkles in the eye area. For oily type of activity of the sebaceous glands can not be reduced. Women continue to trouble the clogged pores, periodic eruptions, the formation of acne and oily Shine. To solve these problems should be multifunctional cosmetics that have anti-aging effect.
  • Type of aging. There are six types of aging, most common among which are tired, deformation and mixed. The first characteristic of dry epidermis with a thin fatty tissue. The second is formed in women with normal or oily skin, normal physique. The deformation characteristic of women with a stocky build, full face. Mixed combines the features of all previous types. The choice of technique facial should be determined and the type of aging also to ensure the best result home and salon techniques.

A combined approach to facial care according to your features: skin type, type of aging, basic care, — helps to smooth age-related changes, delay the aging.

Key recommendations

The biggest mistake women first detect age-related changes, to include skin care of the person "to whom for 30" means that to use yet. The fact that the total decrease of metabolic processes, the skin is still able to regenerate, restore its structure, to develop the necessary substance.

Cleansing and moisturizing

The main "pillars" underlying the beauty and attractiveness of the skin. Follow this order, using the tools for your type of epidermis, you should daily, morning and evening.

tips for face care
  • Oily, troubled skin. Use mousse or foam with salicylic acid, panthenol. These components are well dissolved skin secret, and normalize the separation of fat, support healthy microflora, prevents the development of inflammation.
  • Dry skin. Use cleansing milk, which should be applied to the face, gently massage and rinse with water. Do not attempt to replace milk special water. Most of these compositions, despite the assurances of manufacturers, to leave the skin impossible. Included are substance further dry the epidermis. Any cleanser should rinse with water.
  • The normal skin. Choose any cleanser that you like and fits. Pay attention to composition. It should not be aggressive surfactants, including sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium Laureth sulfate. These substances dry out the skin and Deplete it. Use products with mild surfactants in the composition based on Coco-betaine, betaine, glycolic, lactic acids.

To choose tonic compositions according to skin type. Tonic completes the cleansing, dissolving the remnants of skin secretion and cosmetics, can not manage with the cleanser. It can also contain panthenol, allantoin, which is important for problem epidermis. Also as a toner you can use thermal and alkaline mineral water.

If you are satisfied with the appearance and skin condition, continue to use day and night cream that you have included in daily care before. If you see the signs of aging, choose a cream with an appropriate structure.

  • The dryness, dehydration of the epidermis, the formation of fine mesh of wrinkles. Include in your care cream with peptides. Such compositions are well moisturize the skin, nourish, eliminate the feeling of tightness, peeling. Peptides — substances from the muscle relaxant effect. They relax the facial muscles, causing wrinkles to disappear. Apply the cream with peptides on face when wrinkles or locally, in the areas of formation of wrinkles, for example, on the forehead and around the eyes. The use of such compositions need a long time — for two or three months. In the course of the year spend two or three courses.
  • The sagging skin, the formation of a mesh of capillaries. Typical for the strain aging type of in which the signs of gravitational ptosis are particularly pronounced. Beauticians suggest to include in the care for skin in 30 years means, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. They improve circulation in the tissues and exert a lifting effect, tightening the contours of the face. The active components of such means seaweed, extracts of Ginkgo biloba, Arnica, horse chestnut.
  • Oiliness, clogged pores, first wrinkles. The most difficult to find home care for combination skin after 30 years. Because the areas of the wrinkles, you need to moisturize and nourish, but the epidermis is responsible for active use of saturated medium outbreaks of acne and inflammation. Choose remedies based on vitamin A (retinol). This component stabilizes the activity of sebaceous glands and has anti-aging effects.

The compositions of day and night creams differ. We need protection from ultraviolet radiation and summary of the radicals, therefore, the day cream should contain SPF-filters and vitamin C (the active anti-age component). Night the skin is restored. It's time to use retinol, peptides, and other components to address aging issues.

Extra care

As before, 1-2 times a week is necessary to implement procedures for more intensive skin care at home. They include deep cleansing, hydration, nutrition.

  • Peeling. Designed to remove the superficial stratum corneum cells, which gives the face a gray, untidy appearance. Is done with a scrub or peeling based on fruit acids (bromelain, papain). Apply the facial peeling after cleansing foam or milk. Massage and rinse off with water. Do not use scrubs with natural abrasive particles. They scratch the epidermis, disrupt its structure. Choose tools with soft granules on the basis of fruit acids. The latter is especially recommended for oily, combination and sensitive skin. They're dissolving the Horny cells without abrasive action parallel to normalizing the sebaceous glands and exerting a slight whitening effect.
  • Deep hydration. Should the skin of any type, not just dry. It is especially important to moisturize oily epidermis, as the lack of moisture by regular use of funds for the dryness leads to the response of the intensive development of cutaneous secretion and increased fat content. For deep moisturizing, use a face mask after 30 years based on hyaluronic acid, urea, alginates (seaweed), amino acids, polysaccharides. Apply 1-2 times a week after exfoliation.
  • The struggle with fat stains. Women with oily skin should get acquainted with the masks with AHA-acids. As part of the tools for home care contains up to seven percent of the natural acids. They dissolve the outer layer of the epidermis, destroying clusters of melanin, which we call age spots or freckles. They also reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, increases regenerative functions of the skin. To include in your care, such funds need in the fall and winter, when the sun is not too aggressive. Apply the mask courses twice a year.
  • Deep nourishment. You can use face masks in 30 years with nutrients. But a more effective vaccine, which should be aimed at solving a specific problem. For example, the struggle with wrinkles or excessive dryness. Composed of masks the amount of active components is usually 2-10%, whereas serum contains up to 40% of the component in an easily accessible form. Why serums are more expensive masks, creams, but they can be applied locally on the problem area and use the course. Apply the serum under the cream in the usual care or under the mask for more intense. Components covering means serve as the conductor for serum into the deeper layers of the skin.

In winter, the epidermis becomes drier so moisture can hold two to three times a week. Summer, on the contrary, fat content increases. Recommended up to three times a week to use a mask with AHA-acids or anti-inflammatory compounds.

Salon treatments

Skin after 30 years perfectly perceives anti-aging salon treatment. The advantage of this period is that at the lowest cost you will be able to strengthen its own reserves of the body and not to resort in future to the costly "heavy" procedures. For reviews of beauticians, the most effective in beauty care treatments that improve tissue trophism, microcirculation in them.

  • Massage. Manual or hardware. Without massage impossible anti-aging treatment with a certain type of aging, as it strengthens the tissues, reduces the intensity of their omission. Massage affects the lymphatic system, blood vessels, enriches the epidermis from the inside. When fully home just one or two sessions of massage per year to preserve the freshness and youthfulness of the face for a long time. You can take a course of three to five treatments and then maintain the result with visits to the beautician once a month.
  • Microcurrent therapy. The procedure by which the body affect the weak pulse currents. They improve metabolic processes, revitalizes and rejuvenates the vessels and tissues at the cellular level. Raise the intensity of the flow of lymph, which leads to the elimination of edema, relax muscles, reducing the severity of facial wrinkles. In the salon care professional used equipment for microcurrent therapy. There are similar ones designed for home use. The effectiveness of the latter below. They should be used only if you use professional cosmetics "under microcurrents" and are ready to wait for result long. He will appear with regular use of household apparatus with a shock for two to three months. In-salon treatments provide far more pronounced and noticeable effect faster.
  • Peeling. Unlike home peels from the cabin in the concentration of the active acids. In skin care after 30 years it is recommended to use superficial peels, the concentration of acid which is up to twenty-five percent. Such compositions create a superficial burn of tissues, which is manifested by external redness. After 2-3 days, sloughed off from the face surface cells, while the epidermis is renewed on a deep level. Peeling starts the rejuvenation of structure: increased formation of collagen, elastin. To run it just 2-3 times a year, so your face look young and well kept.

Pumping to the skin hyaluronic acid, Botox and other means to rejuvenate, you reach a temporary positive result. But in the long run, for example, in five years, aging will occur more rapidly. Person from frequent injections becomes puffy, lost individual facial expressions.